We form sustainability

with a clear commitment to quality, responsibility for our environment and long-term orientation of a true family-run enterprise.

We put words into action

As an international market and technology leader for advanced plastics technology, we see it as our duty to harmonize the effects of our operations with the expectations of society.


Responsibility: We are responsible for meeting current needs without burdening future generations. Not only does this apply to our own processes, but also to our cooperation with our customers and suppliers and our commitment to society.

Environment: Wirthwein has set itself ambitious targets for environmental protection. We are continuously working to reduce our ecological footprint - with a particular focus on climate protection and the circular economy.

Workforce: A common corporate culture in which every person is valued is what we share with our employees worldwide. We create an environment that enables all employees to contribute to the long-term success of the company, develop their potential and feel at home at Wirthwein.

We are aware of our responsibility

For us, sustainability is a driver of innovation, but also a commitment to ecological, resource-conserving action. Every component is the result of sustainable product development and every process is designed to avoid waste. Our employees are specialists who continuously develop their expertise and pass it on across generations. With passion, social commitment and conviction, we develop projects together with our customers, taking ecological and economic aspects into account. 

With our sustainability strategy, we address the key UN goals for sustainable development.

Based on the key issues of sustainability for Wirthwein and the results of the materiality analysis, the five aspects of sustainability form the framework for our activities in the coming years.


The five aspects of sustainability at Wirthwein

  • Climate protection

    Wirthwein takes its responsibility for climate protection seriously and is constantly reducing its emissions in scope 1 and 2. We work closely with our suppliers and customers along the entire value chain to reduce emissions in scope 3 and to conserve resources and use the most environmentally friendly materials possible. The objectives are supported by measures in all areas.

    Conservation of resources / environmentally friendly materials
    Plastic often has an unjustifiably negative image as a material. Due to its material properties and low weight, there is usually no alternative. Together with its suppliers, Wirthwein continuously strives to use materials with a high percentage of recycled content and the lowest possible production-related CO2 emissions. The circular economy has a considerable influence here. In addition, we are continuously working on optimized production processes, new lightweight construction technologies and alternative materials to further reduce the use of raw materials.

    In particular, our activities support United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals: sustainable consumption and production (SDG 12), climate protection measures (SDG 13).

  • Energy

    Wirthwein drives the expansion of renewable energies and continuously strives for energy efficiency - from development to production to the finished product.

    Energy efficiency
    Wirthwein has been implementing numerous energy efficiency projects worldwide for years, thereby sustainably increasing its energy efficiency. By consistently pursuing these activities, we will have additionally increased the energy efficiency of (production) processes by 3% per year by 2030.

    CO₂ reduction through self-generated, renewable energy
    EEfficient and resource-conserving production is a matter close to the Wirthwein family's heart. This is why the family has been investing in renewable energy for years, with the result that almost 20% of the energy consumed in production is currently covered by renewable energy. This share will be increased to 35% by 2030.

    With our activities, we support the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal in particular: affordable and clean energy (SDG 7).

  • Social responsibility

    Wirthwein assumes responsibility and focuses on respecting human rights - across the entire value chain.

    Improving social cohesion by providing specific support
    Wirthwein has been socially committed for many years. We support social/educational projects at each of the Group's locations and also provide individual support for major social challenges.

    Human rights along the value chain
    Increasing transparency and respect for human rights

    Wirthwein proactively pursues the initiatives in the course of the Supply Chain Duty of Care Act and systematically analyzes the social and ecological risks along the value chain. A key component of the comprehensive Wirthwein Code of Conduct includes protection against child and forced labor. With our corporate principles, we set the framework for socially responsible action in all areas.

    In particular, our activities support the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals: decent work and economic growth (SDG 8), industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9).

  • Health

    Wirthwein contributes to people's health - with high-quality products and by avoiding hazards to people and the environment in its own work processes.

    Occupational safety
    Reduction of the accident rate to less than 15 accidents per 1 million working hours by 2030 By consistently optimizing occupational safety, Wirthwein has gradually improved and has consistently beaten the industry average of 18 accidents per 1 million working hours since 2019. We want to further expand this position by achieving our new target under 15 occupational accidents per 1 million working hours in order to be among the best in the industry

    Health protection & prevention
    Supporting employees with health protection & prevention

    Wirthwein supports its employees in protecting their health through various initiatives in the context of sport, prevention and nutrition. In addition, Wirthwein provides all employees in Germany with private supplementary health insurance. This creates financial incentives for sustainable health care. In particular, our activities support the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal: good health and well-being (SDG 3).

  • People

    At Wirthwein, the focus is on people and their diversity - regardless of gender, origin or religion, every employee (m/f/d) has the opportunity to develop personally and professionally. We aim to maintain a consistently high level of employee satisfaction and thus position ourselves as the " Employer of Choice". In doing so, we focus on diversity within the company and promote a working environment that is free of prejudice..

    Diversity and equal opportunities
    We take diversity and equal opportunities seriously, which is reflected in the composition of our workforce. For example, we employ colleagues from 30 nations in the company and 10% of senior management are female. By signing the "Diversity Charter", we promote the recognition, appreciation and inclusion of diversity in the world of work.

    Training and employee development
    In all areas of our company, young people develop into future specialists and managers. Wirthwein has always attached great importance to in-house training. This is also reflected in our training quota of 10% in Germany. We offer over 24 different apprenticeships and courses of study in the Wirthwein Group. With in-house training courses at the Wirthwein Academy, external training courses and stays abroad, we enable our employees to continue their professional development. The fact that many management positions have been filled from within our own ranks underlines our own aspirations with regard to the internal development of our employees.

    In particular, our activities support the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal Quality Education (SDG 4) and Gender Equality (SDG 5).

Our corporate principles, the Wirthwein Code of Conduct and expectations towards our partners

As an international market and technology leader for advanced plastics technology, we see it as our duty to harmonize the impact of our actions with the expectations of society, far beyond the legal requirements and duties of care. As a company, we have set out these obligations in our Corporate Principles and Code of Conduct.

In addition, we expect our business partners to share our values and commit to upholding them. This framework is defined in the Code of Conduct for Suppliers.

Compliance with laws, regulations and internal guidelines is our top priority. We can only protect our company, our employees and our business partners if we act in accordance with the law and with integrity.

We shall not tolerate violations of laws or our principles.

No human being is without mistakes. For this reason, we live an open error culture, try to identify potential misconduct as early as possible and use our whistleblower system to ensure that these can be pointed out to us as a company - either registered or anonymously.

Wirthwein participates in numerous different sustainability initiatives, which are also evaluated by external partners. These include the following:

Make career with and at Wirthwein


The Management of Wirthwein SE

Corporate Management